This release includes new features, a few improvements and bug fixes.
New Features
- Position Based Approvals
- Event Page Redesign
- Added date updated to the Registrant Profiles list.
- Stopped sending the footer email a notice when a reminder to an instructor failed.
- Changed the Instructor attendance reminder email subject to "Wisdomwhere Session Attendance Reminder for [CourseName]”
- Added the work phone number to the privacy report.
- The checkbox for “Include in privacy report” was disabled if anyone had chosen that option for the privacy form field.
- If group restrictions were in place and a registrant was a member of more than one group, they saw no event search results.
- The new conference page had formatting problems in Firefox.
- [WaitlistDetails] were not being included in the confirmation message to registrants.
- There as an error on the incomplete list of sessions if hours were not included for the site.
- The Registrant CreatedBy & UpdatedBy were not being filled in when a registrant created their account.
- Registrants were allowed to change their email address when Registrant Refresh was on but editing email addresses prohibited.
- Admin registrations were placed on a waitlist if the session was full and waitlist was not enabled.
- The Google calendar icon was not creating an ICS file for import into the Google calendar.