This release includes new features, improvements and bug fixes.
New Features
- Privacy Options
- Privacy Report
Refresh Registrant Options
The Refresh Registrant Information feature allows admins to require registrants to review their profile to ensure their record is accurate.
- Popup Instructions
We’ve added the option for a popup window with instructions for the registrant when reviewing their profile.
- Change all registrants next update to be Starting From Date
This new option sets the next renewal date to be a date of your choosing.
- Do not clear registrant’s profile data Checking this option leaves the profile information intact for the registrant’s review rather than clearing the form and requiring the data to be reentered.
- Error searching for registrants with a # symbol in their login id.
- Copying users didn’t copy individual user access permissions to the new user.
- Mailing labels had formatting problems on the second page.
- Error sending a team invitation when no team email template has been configured.
- We now prevent the ability to add more than one active team email template.
- Fixed an error generating the Export Catalog report.

Privacy Options
You now have the option to add privacy settings to the profile or registration forms. The options are customizable to your needs.

Options include setting the sort order, the default choice, and whether or not to include the choices on the newly created Privacy Report.
The Privacy Report can be filtered by the options shown below and exported for use in other programs.