If you’re looking to become a certified teacher in Louisiana this simple and straightforward overview will help to clarify a complicated process. Every state has its own intricacies and LA is no exception. Where you begin your certification journey shapes the path you’ll take to the classroom.
If you are beginning college
The least complicated path to LA teacher certification begins your freshman year of college. If you choose an education degree at an accredited LA institution you’ll be guided through the education and certification process step by step from testing to student teaching. Once you’ve completed your degree you’ll be classroom ready.
If you hold a bachelors degree in a subject other than education: If you’ve decided to make a post college career change, but already have your bachelors degree you’ll need to take an alternative route to certification. In LA you have two alternative certification options: a certificate program or a masters degree. You can find a list of approved alternate certification programs here. Once you’ve chosen and completed your program, you’ll also need to complete all certification testing requirements.
If you already hold a teaching certificate in another state
Louisiana is especially friendly to out of state certificate holders. If you’d like to teach in LA and you already hold an out of state certificate, the first step is to complete an Out of State Application Packet. If you have not met the testing requirements for Louisiana, you’ll have to provide a letter of eligibility along with you packet. You will then be eligible for a three-year, non-renewable out of state teaching certificate. During those three years you must complete the LA testing requirements in order to obtain your actual LA certification.
Testing Requirements
All LA teacher certification candidates must complete three separate test sets to become certified. First, the PPST or Pre Professional Skills Test to assess basic skills; then the Praxis II Subject Tests in the subjects you wish to teach; and finally the Praxis PLT (principles of learning and teaching) to demonstrate teaching ability and understanding.
Helpful Links
Whichever route to certification you take you’ll want to keep these two links handy. Teach Live! is the LA teacher certification portal and once you’re certified you’ll be able to locate and print your certificate here.
As you work through the certification process be patient and keep careful records. Certification can be laborious, but it’s worth it! Best of luck to you as you make your way to your very own classroom.