CEU Record Keeping
Below is a guest post from Emma Garner, a teacher and writer in Michigan. She shares some great steps to keep track of the hours you earn towards recertification.
Between grades, IEPs, bell schedules and lesson plans teachers have more than enough to keep track of. Professional Development record keeping can often fall by the wayside leaving teachers scrambling when certification renewal rolls around. I hope that these tips and easy to use template will keep stress at bay this recertification cycle. These tips are specific to Michigan eductors, but the same method would apply to your state.
Keep Copies of Everything
Teachers know the importance of documentation and this principle applies as much to PD as it does in the classroom. It’s important to keep copies of all of your PD information in case you need to verify hours (or revisit learning) at a later date. I like to keep registration information, CEU certificates, e-mails stating that I passed my certification tests and SCECHs receipts. When it doubt, I always keep a copy.
Log Into MOECS
With a busy teaching schedule it can be easy to push this off, but it’s important to log into MOECS and report your PD to the state as soon as it’s completed. You may need to provide documentation of SCECHs or even have your administrator sign off on a non-traditional PD activity, but be sure to log your hours as soon as they are earned. If you notice that something is missing e-mail SCECH@Michigan.gov right away.
Keep Your Own Records
In the digital age it’s important to keep your records in more than one place. The last thing you want to be dealing with when you’re trying to renew is a system glitch. I like to keep an up to date copy of this easy to use recording sheet both printed and in a GoogleDoc. I use it to double check my MOECS data and, as an added bonus, keep track of hours I’ve earned towards my master’s degree.
How do you keep track of your CEUs? Share your favorite tips in the comments!