Welcome to
Wisdomwhere is the Monroe County ISD's new professional learning registration
and tracking system.
Individuals that already have a Monroe County ISD Coursewhere username and password will continue to use that log in information with Wisdomwhere.
If you do not already have a login, please scroll down and choose the appropriate link to request a new user account.
Please email the MCISD Wisdomwhere Administrators (wisdomwhere@monroeisd.us) with any questions.
Need Help?
Please do one of the following:
Need a Wisdomwhere Registrant ID and
Please complete and submit the Wisdomwhere Registrant ID & Password Request Form below:
Return to Top
Need to locate an upcoming event?
You can do the following, or download a PDF with step-by-step registration instructions (opens in a new tab or window).
- Click the Events link in the top navigation bar
- Enter a keyword if you are searching for a specific session, otherwise, leave this field blank
- Choose the date range
- Choose a View By type
- If you choose a View By type of Category, Instructor, Location, or Month, you can choose one or more values from the list that displays to refine your search
- Click the Search button
Events can be searched and viewed by:
- Event Title (displays alphabetically by name of the session)
- Category (displays alphabetically and grouped by category, such as: Curriculum Inservice, Technology Workshop, etc.)
- Instructor (displays alphabetically and grouped by instructor name)
- Location (displays alphabetically and grouped by location name)
- Month (displays alphabetically and grouped by month)
Need to update your Wisdomewhere Profile (e.g., email, building, grade)?
Please do the following:
- Log in to Wisdomewhere
- Click the Profile link in the left navigation column
- Modify the appropriate information
- Click the Save button
Need to Cancel an event registration?
To cancel an event registration, please do the following:
- Log on to Wisdomwhere
- Click the Modify/Unregister button in the left navigation pane
- Click the Change button next to the desired event name
- Click the Unregister From Event button
- Click the OK button to confirm the cancellation
An on-screen confirmation message will display confirming your registration has been cancelled.
Need to Access or Print Your Transcript?
Please use the following PDF for instructions on how to access and print your transcript within Wisdomwhere:
Using Wisdomwhere - Print a Transcript (opens in a new tab/window)
More help topics coming soon!