Directions on how to search/register for a course:To view our events, click on the Events tab on the left-side of the screen near the top. On the next page "Search the BAISD Catalog," click on the Search button to display a year of courses. If a program is a series and you cannot locate it with the initial search, please change the start date to the beginning of the school year (August) or select "Clear All" button.
After the Search is complete, click on the Event title (hyperlink) you are interested in attending to take you to the Event Details screen where you can click Register at the bottom of the page.
Please turn off your Pop-
To take advantage of the error messages generated
this web site,
you must turn off
your Pop-Up Blocker when using CourseWhere.
For Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Internet
Options, Privacy.
Uncheck the Pop-Up Blocker checkbox to turn off
Pop-Up Blocker.
Then click Apply and/or OK to exit.
Since we donĀ“t know your hardware configuration, if
you have any further questions, please contact your
IT department regarding your Pop-Up Blocker.
A purchase order number must be entered for
any course that has a cost. If your
organization/school/agency does not use
purchase orders, please make payment with check or
money order.
Participants paying with a
personal check or money order should type the word
"check," "money order," or "cash" in the Purchase
Order # box and
make payment payable according to directions for
each event.
Payment is expected if
cancellation is not made one week prior to
the course.
It is said that, "When one teaches, two learn."
Because of your willingness for continuous
the children you serve will benefit
years to come.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in
Bay-Arenac ISD professional learning