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Session Details

Educators Self-Care

  • Event Information
    Educators Self-Care

    Professionals working in the school system have inherently stressful and emotionally demanding roles. This training will provide information on mental wellness and burnout and assist participants in developing an individualized self-care plan to improve and maintain mental health and resiliency. Participants will learn about evidence-based strategies including techniques to calm physical stress responses, cognitive strategies for healthy thinking patterns, and skills for improving interpersonal effectiveness and self-efficacy.

    **Upon entering the building to attend a PD, non HISD staff must register with VisitorAware.  Pre-register with these instructions to save you time upon arrival!

Event Session Information
Days 1
Scheduled Date/Time
03/18/2025 4:00 PM-7:00 PM Huron ISD Administrative Center
Title 250318
Session Contact Jackie Callender989-803-3390
Jackie Callender
Registration Fees - Choose one
I am an HISD Employee *
In Huron ISD Service Area *
Cost: $15.00
Out of Huron ISD Service Area *
Cost: $35.00
3 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH)
Payment Method - Choose one
I am an HISD Employee *
Paying by personal or district check *
Pre-approved by my supervisor to bill my district. *
Pre-approved by my supervisor to bill my district. *

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Contact Us

Huron Intermediate School District
1299 S. Thomas Rd, Suite1
Bad Axe, MI 48413
(989) 269-6406
Email Us

** Please Note: If for some unforeseen reason you will be unable to attend, please cancel at least three business days before the session to avoid the $10 No-Show fee. Because we must order food and make copies in advance, we charge a No-Show fee of $10 to those who fail to cancel their registration at least three business days in advance. The caterer charges for how many meals are delivered, not how many are consumed.

: Developed by Solutionwhere Inc. Copyright 1996-2025

It is the policy of the Huron Intermediate School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender, disability, age, height, weight, marital status, genetic information, or any other legally-protected characteristic, in its programs, activities, or employment.  Inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy should be directed to:

Huron Intermediate School District

1299 S. Thomas Rd, Suite 1

Bad Axe, Michigan 48413

(989) 269-6406


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