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Session Details

K-12 ELA Curriculum Committee 2024-25

  • Event Information
    K-12 ELA Curriculum Committee 2024-25

    Curriculum Review- Identify priority standards and learning targets, identify gaps, overlaps, etc., engage in curriculum mapping, review assessments (observable indicators) and instructional practices 

    Curriculum Evaluation Process- Create/improve LEA curriculum review processes by developing a standard model 

    Curriculum Resources- Conversations around curriculum resources that may lead to curriculum purchases, improve efficiencies through common language and shared forms, improve Marquette-Alger RESA PD offerings accordingly. 

    A continuation of our starting point for district ELA curriculum committee work.




    Target Audience
    K-12 ELA Teachers
    Learner Outcomes

    Participants will:

    Identify and unwrap ELA priority and supporting standards. Develop an ELA curriculum roadmap for each grade level that includes essential questions, standards, learning targets, success criteria, texts and other resources, technology integration, differentiation, and literacy essential supports. Gain knowledge and understanding in curriculum review and alignment processes, with the aim of applying this knowledge in local school district. Utilize curriculum tools to evaluate current district curriculum for ELA standards and literacy essentials research alignment, with the aim of creating our “Top 3” list Utilize common Marquette-Alger RESA curriculum templates. Collaborate and partner with teacher leaders from across Marquette-Alger RESA.

Event Session Information
Days 2
Scheduled Date(s)/Time(s)
02/03/2025 9:00 AM-3:30 PM Marquette-Alger RESA
04/07/2025 9:00 AM-3:30 PM Marquette-Alger RESA
Title In person sessions held October 2024 - April 2025
Session Contact Chandra Ziegler906 284-0633
Chandra Ziegler

Important Information

24 SCECH credits to achieve.

Morning refreshments and lunch will be served.

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Phone: Wendy Maki at (906) 226-5131 

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