MWEE introduces the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience framework while following along with example MWEEs for each grade band - elementary, middle, and high school. This training also included access to Shared Waters curriculum resources for K-6 teachers as well as suggested curriculum resources for Middle and High School teachers. In addition, formal and informal educators will gain access to MWEE 101 course and have the option to become MWEE ambassadors.
Participants in this course will learn how a MWEE can support STEELS educational standards and goals and the roles taken by students and educators to make the program successful. At the end of the course, participants will practice using the Audit Tool to review example MWEEs and the Think Cloud tool to outline their own MWEE program. Both tools are from the MWEE Planning Toolbox.
Lunch on your own
Act 48: 6 hours