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Session Details

Assessing the STEELS Day 2: Assessing Rigorous STEELS Learning for All Students

  • Event Information
    Assessing the STEELS Day 2: Assessing Rigorous STEELS Learning for All Students
    In Assessing the STEELS: Day 2, participants will learn about key features of high-quality and rigorous STEELS-based assessments that allow all students to show what they know in science, engineering, and environmental literacy. This session is designed as a full day 5-hour session. The audience for this module is K–12 classroom teachers, school leaders, or curriculum coordinators. Participants must have prerequisite knowledge about phenomena/problems, three dimensions, and how they look in assessments. This can be accomplished by completing the Assessing the STEELS: Day 1 training or through other means. This session builds on that knowledge. 
    Target Audience
    K–12 classroom teachers, school leaders, and curriculum coordinators.

Event Session Information
Days 1
Scheduled Date/Time
01/15/2025 9:00 AM-3:30 PM Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit (IU5)
Session Contact Judy Baker814-734-8389
Instructor(s) Joy Shaffer
Rebecca Schauffele
Credits - Choose one
Act 48 Hours * /5.5 Hours
Non Act 48 Hours * /5.5 Hours
Special Instructions Bring your own device.

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