MOECS contact information has changed!
Phone: 517-241-5000 or
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Lenawee Intermediate School District Professional Learning Center 4107 N. Adrian Hwy. Adrian, MI 49221 517-265-1611
Follow the LISD PL Center on social media!
Twitter: @LISD_PL_Center
LISD Nondiscrimination Statement - The Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) does not discriminate in any of its educational programs and services, activities, or employment practices, on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin / ancestry, religion, height, weight, marital status, age, limited English-speaking ability, sexual orientation, or disability. Direct inquiries to: Executive Director of Staff Resources, Lenawee Intermediate School District, 4107 N. Adrian Hwy., Adrian, MI 49221, (517) 265-2119. Persons with hearing impairments, please call the Michigan Relay Center at (800) 649-3777 (TDD).
Declaración de No Discriminación del LISD - El Distrito Escolar Intermedio de Lenawee (LISD) no discrimina en ninguno de sus programas o servicios educativos, actividades, o prácticas de empleo sobre la base de género, raza, color, origen nacional / ascendencia, religión, estatura, peso, estado civil, edad, la habilidad limitada de hablar inglés, orientación sexual, o incapacidad. Para conseguir más información: Executive Director of Staff Resources, Lenawee Intermediate School District, 4107 N. Adrian Hwy., Adrian, MI 49221, (517) 265-2119. Personas con problemas de audición, por favor llamen al Michigan Relay Center (800) 649-3777 (TDD).
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