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3D STEELS Assessment Tools including CDT and PVAAS

The Pennsylvania STEELS Assessment Foundations
This session is intended to help classroom teachers, school administrators, and curriculum leads build a foundation in how to monitor and assess student learning of the Science, Technology & Engineering, Environmental Literacy Sustainability (STEELS) standards, which are Pennsylvania's new learning goals based on research about how students learn best. The modules will focus on:

  • Measuring Multi-Dimensional, Phenomena/Problem-Based Learning of STEELS Standards in Classroom Assessments
  • Assessing Rigorous Science Learning of All Students
  • Cultivating a System Where Assessments Work Together to Improve Student Learning

Module 1 with the addition of PVASS: Measuring Multi-Dimensional, Phenomena/Problem-Based Learning of STEELS Standards in Classroom Assessments. Build a shared vision of quality STEELS assessments in which students make visible their ability to integrate multiple dimensions (disciplinary core ideas, science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and technology and engineering practices) to make sense of a phenomenon (observable event) or problem (situation somebody wants to change).

Supports participants in building a common understanding of features of quality STEELS-based assessments, including tasks that are phenomenon- and problem-based and multi-dimensional.

Cost: Complimentary

Act 48: 5.5 hours

Lunch: 1 hour break


Target Audience
K-12 Science Teachers

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02/26/2025 8:30 AM-3:00 PM1CSIU Main Building 344 0

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