Venue - see session location.
Area Wide Professional Learning Day 2024
Charting the Course: A Road Trip to Educational Excellence
This year's conference will include three locations with three exceptional presenters. Attendees will choose which session they would like to attend and then remain at that venue with that presenter for the duraction of the day. Locations will be determined by registration and facility accommodations that best fit each presenter's needs. As soon as the presenters have been assigned to venues, that information will be posted and sent to all registrants.
Lunch will be provided. Participants will be asked to indicate any dietary restrictions during registration.
1 - Click in the check box next to the session title of your choice
2 - Complete the lunch restrictions question
3 - On the second page, indicate "no" for substitute reimbursement
REMINDER: If you do not receive an email confirmation shortly after registering, your registration did not go through and you will need to try again.