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Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Non-violent Crisis Intervention Training

  • Event Information
    Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Non-violent Crisis Intervention Training


    Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training - Novice

    Target Audience: Special Education staff who are new to CPI NCI training or have only been certified 1-2 times prior.

    Description: This course is presented in a blended learning model with a self-directed online session (approximately 2.5 hours) and an instructor-led in-person session (approximately 3 hours). 

    CPI’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) training will provide you with the skills to safely recognize and respond to crisis situations.  The program includes prevention and de-escalation strategies, tools for decision making, and safety skills.

    Registration cutoff for this class is one week prior to the classroom session in order for the participant to be able to complete the self-directed online component of the course.  


    Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training - Experienced 

    Target Audience: Special Education staff who have experience with CPIs NCI model, have taken the training 3+ times, and who are looking to expand their learning and deepen their understanding of de-escalation.

    Description: This course is presented in a blended learning model with a self-directed online session (approximately 2.5 hours) and an instructor-led in-person session (approximately 3 hours). 

    CPI’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) training will provide you with the skills to safely recognize and respond to crisis situations.  The program includes prevention and de-escalation strategies, tools for decision making, and safety skills.

    Registration cutoff for this class is one week prior to the classroom session in order for the participant to be able to complete the self-directed online component of the course. 


    Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training - For Administrators

    Target Audience: Administrators

    Description: This course is presented in a blended learning model with a self-directed online session (approximately 2.5 hours) and an instructor-led in-person session (approximately 3 hours). 

    CPI’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) training will provide you with the skills to safely recognize and respond to crisis situations.  The program includes prevention and de-escalation strategies, tools for decision making, and safety skills.

    Registration cutoff for this class is one week prior to the classroom session in order for the participant to be able to complete the self-directed online component of the course.  


    Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training - For Specialized Program Focus Staff

    Target Audience: Specialized Program Staff (ASD, AE, SSN)

    Description: This course is presented in a blended learning model with a self-directed online session (approximately 2.5 hours) and an instructor-led in-person session (approximately 3 hours). 

    CPI’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) training will provide you with the skills to safely recognize and respond to crisis situations.  The program includes prevention and de-escalation strategies, tools for decision making, and safety skills.

    Registration cutoff for this class is one week prior to the classroom session in order for the participant to be able to complete the self-directed online component of the course.  

    Target Audience
    Special Education Staff

Event Session Information
Days 1
Scheduled Date/Time
04/15/2025 4:00 PM-7:00 PM Learning Services Center - Evergreen Room
Title CPI Non-violent Crisis Intervention Training
Instructor(s) Charity Dostal
Kelly Dotson
0.25 Professional Development/Salary Credit /2 Hours
Description: Licensed
Professional Growth Credit /2 Hours
Description: Classified

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