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Event Details

Math Intervention Collaboration

This collaboration provides math interventionists across the EUPISD region an opportunity to come together to deepen understanding of current and new learning progressions in numeracy and share and improve instructional practices.


SCECH available, 2 per - 12 total

Participant registers INDIVIDUALLY for each date

Target Audience
math interventionists

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Instructor Led Sessions
(To Register, or for more information,click on a start date.)
Start DateTimeDaysLocationSession TitleStatus
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01/09/2025 1:00 PM-3:00 PM1Virtual Math Intervention Collaboration 9999
02/06/2025 1:00 PM-3:00 PM1Virtual Math Intervention Collaboration 9999
03/06/2025 1:00 PM-3:00 PM1Virtual Math Intervention Collaboration 9999
04/03/2025 1:00 PM-3:00 PM1Virtual Math Intervention Collaboration 9999

Contact Us

Kim Dutcher
Phone: 906-632-3373, Ext. 5111
EUP Intermediate School District
315 Armory Place
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783

: Developed by Solutionwhere Inc. Copyright 1996-2025

For more information contact us by email or call 906-632-3373