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Welcome to DIISD's Event Registration Site

DIISD. along with most of the other ISDs in the U.P., has recently moved to Wisdomwhere for its professional development management system.

Wisdomwhere will allow us to manage registrations for traditional courses, on-line courses, conferences, teleconferences, webinars, outside events, meetings, unstructured events, customizable approval processes, pre- and post-activity assessments, and much more!

Besides streamlining the registration process, this system will also allow participants to log in and review their own transcripts, reprint certificates, etc. It should make for a better experience for all!

Professional Development Events

Although you can search through most events and look at their details without being logged in, to register for an event you must have an account on the system.  See upper right of window for "Logon" link if you already have an account on our system, or "Create Account" if you need to create an account.

Important note: Six U.P. ISDs are using Wisdomwhere for their event registration. If you reside or work in an area served by one of the ISDs listed below, please sign in at your home site and then search for our event from their site.

Link to peer ISD Wisdomwhere sites:


If you work in an area served by DIISD and are looking for an event offered by one of our peer ISDs, sign into this site firstclick on Events, and then be sure to check the View By: Peer radio button and then click all of the peer buttons so your search results will include these events offered by the other ISDs.

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